Monday, January 30, 2012

Germany Finance Minister Warns Greece : "There's No Amount of Money That Can Solve The Problem"

Wolfgang Schauble well known as Germany's finance minister issued an unusually blunt warning that the euro zone might refuse to grant Greece a fresh bailout. More tighter than before. Greece needs to decide," Wolfgang Schäuble said when asked whether the euro zone would grant or withhold the second bailout package for the country since 2010, Germany finance minister expected to be in excess of €130 billion ($172 billion). It is very huge capitalization in European sovereign debt crisis

On otherwords Eurozone is "prepared to support Greece", Mr. Schäuble said, but he warned: "Unless Greece implements the necessary decisions and doesn't just announce them…there's no amount of money that can solve the problem." , yeahh we know that Germany also suffering with no cash enough to stabilize Eurozone

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