Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bailout fund should buy euro debt, Angela Merkel ambushed by crisis lectures at G20

Eurozone leader Angela Merkel ambushed by crisis lectures at G20, Standoff could make awkward the mini-summit between chancellor Merkel, Hollande, Monti and Spanish prime minister Rajoy

Latest update from Athens we reporting, Greek finance job goes to civil servant, Vassilios Rapanos will take the key portfolio and attend Thursday's Luxembourg meeting of eurozone finance ministers

From Eurozone debt crisis latest update, Bailout fund should buy euro debt, ECB board member Cœuré surprised no government had yet asked EFSF, the eurozone's €440bn rescue fund, to buy sovereign bonds for Eurozone debt crisis handling

Meanwhile, Cœuré seeks greater economic integration, ECB executive board member responsible for its market operations readily admits 'great deal of anxiety' among investors and forex / stocks traders

Italy leader, Monti in fight for survival – of Italy and euro, Government hopes to raise €10bn this year by asset sales and to save €5bn euros by spending cuts – but this might not be enough to offset need to raise taxes, only hopes

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