Monday, November 19, 2012

Brussels Officials: European Union Makes Budget Plans Without Britains

From Eurozone budget plans update, European Union makes budget plans without UK, Brussels officials and national diplomats have been studying the legal and technical feasibility of devising long-term spending plans without Britain

Another back up plan??, Europe plans action on corporate tax avoidance, The European Commission is pushing for a bolstering of Europe's defences against aggressive corporate tax avoidance schemes

Back to referendum problems, Miliband backs 'hard-headed' realism on EU, Insistence the EU must work for Britain in areas such as immigration and business will be seen as attempt to show toughness while refusing a referendum

Meanwhile, IMF urges permanent solution for Greece, An accord among Greece's creditors on how to reduce debt should be 'rooted in reality and not in wishful thinking', says the IMF's Christine Lagarde

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