Thursday, November 1, 2012

European Union’s 7 years Funding Package: Rebels Deal Blow to Cameron Over European Union

Latest update about Eurozone financial crisis for EU's seven-year funding package, Rebels deal blow to Cameron over European Union, Eurosceptic Tory MPs piled behind an amendment demanding that Britain push for a reduction in the EU's seven-year funding package, Tory rebels demand European Union budget cut, As many as 53 Conservative MPs voted against the government to call for a cut in the multi-annual financial framework

UK Prime Minister, Cameron loses EU budget freeze vote, Eurosceptic Tory MPs piled behind an amendment demanding that Britain push for a reduction in the European Union's seven-year funding package

Meanwhile, EU short-selling ban – plus ça change, The European Union's new rules on short trading begin this week, but whether market activity will be significantly affected is debatable, obviously affected I think

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