Tuesday, March 15, 2011

House prices are goind down to fall '20% in next two years ???

Is that true that house prices going to fall down 20% for next two years???, as reported from thisismoney, they said that, The property market is heading for a 'double-dip' as rising unemployment and spending cuts strangle demand, according to the mortgages analysis
Maybe the primary cause is Interest rates are likely to be increased in the coming months to keep rising inflation in check and higher mortgage costs seem certain, of course to add momentum to plunging property prices. As expert mortgages, Paul Diggle, said: 'Prices are trending slowly downwards at the moment, but our view is that this is really the start of the second leg of the correction, and we expect prices to fall significantly further.'

The truth is out there, yeahh he believes the average home remains up to 20% overvalued - and with the mortgage market still tight and unemployment rising, 2011 could bring prices falling back to earth, this is just some anylisis, can be true and can be wrong.

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