Wednesday, November 14, 2012

European Central Bank: Quest for European Union Single Bank Supervisor Stumbles

Latest update from Eurozone financial crisis, European Union standoff stokes tension before summit, Hours before the talks were to begin parliamentary president Martin Schulz stunned the commission and ministers when he informed them MEPs would not attend

EU single bank??? Oke, a new strategy to solve sovereign debt crisis problem, Quest for EU single bank supervisor stumbles, Talks laid bare differences between several member states over a proposal that is billed as a key plank of Europe's response to the sovereign debt crisis

This is serious situation, European Union states fight UK spending campaign, Calling themselves the Friends of Cohesion, 14 heads of government staged a public show of unity in Brussels, plotting strategy

From latest Brussels news update, Brussels waters down board quota plan, New proposal to promote the appointment of female non-executive directors to boards will no longer include sanctions for companies that do not comply

Meanwhile, Brinkmanship rears head in Europe again, For once, Athens itself is not the primary cause of anxiety, rather it is a squabble among international lenders that has spooked investors

As previous news, IMF and eurozone split over Greece, Policy-makers see this dispute as a manifestation of an increasingly tense debate over whether the European Union is serious about taking the IMF's policy advice

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