Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bundesbank Doubles Risk Provisions, The Sovereign Debt Crisis is Not Over

From Paris, French fears eased on Hollywood content, The trade commissioner promised that a transatlantic deal would not require changes to a European system of content quotas or subsidies

Latest update from Romania and Hungary, East's 'transition backlash' alerts core EU, Taken together with similar problems in Romania and Hungary, Bulgaria's troubles show something deeper is going on beyond the union's core

Germany bank, Bundesbank doubles risk provisions, Jens Weidmann says the sovereign debt crisis is not over and repeats his calls for central banks to stay away from interfering in fiscal policy

Funds lend direct to eurozone groups, Asset managers set up funds to lend relatively small sums of money directly to European companies that are finding it difficult to borrow from traditional lenders
UK willing to defy EU on Syrian arms, Prime Minister David Cameron tells MPs that the UK is willing to 'change the approach' to arming the Syrian opposition in the face of European resistance

Meanwhile, European Union seeks binding emissions target debate, The European Union will look at whether it needs to keep setting the legally binding targets that have made it a world leader in tackling greenhouse gas pollution

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