Sunday, May 31, 2015

Is That True 90% of Traders Online Lose Money? and Less Than 10% Make a Profit Consistently

Many investors and traders blaming some wrong decision or wrong online traders platform, maybe less than 10% of traders online actually make a profit consistently, but how about the rest 90%.... The traders that do manage to make a profit have studied extensively about how to do this. But reading books or attending some bombastic webinars seminar will not help, so of course you need the experience in order to modify and well prepared any unrealistic expectations that you might have about trading forex and stocks online.

Trading via internet with free trading forex platform or online trading era is very massive and rapid positive growth, The unfortunate part is that the Internet is unable to stop this onslaught of scam websites getting dreamers to deposit money into a new broker that has not been regulated yet by official regulators. The nature of the Internet and how it is regulated will more than likely only start to find the culprit long after his/her business has taken the money and disappeared.

People now has many optional forex trading in Global forex online trading with many currencies option, of course with many trading forex and stocks platform option, There are Wall Street investors and forex traders that only concentrate on Oil or Gold. Watching the daily and hourly movements of a specific share or commodity and only trading on one specific.

Many good or forex trading software will not help, if it did the top brokers would use them. Reading 'honest' reviews from clients that use the trading software to make a profit is also a waste of time because they were paid for by the product owners. by The some random surveys had conclusion, The truth is that 95% of traders online lose money

People remain "easy to abuse" by emotional feel about get rich quick, yeah these 'get rich quick' websites online continues to grow because a new sucker is born every day. The experts all agree that one should first show a consistent profit in a demo account before you invest real money, remember this.. only in a demo account forex platform trading. Developing a trading strategy that makes a profit after running for 6 months is the answer.

Many beginner investors and beginner forex traders level be fooled because if it sounds too good to be true the chances are that it is. Trading is all about probability and has nothing to do with any guarantee. Predicting the future on a share/indices/commodity price and putting money down is the same as trying to predict the future  There is no guarantee and certain people will naturally turn away from this but others can become addicted just like gambling. One needs to approach trading as a learning curve that changes every day. Even if you manage to develop a trading strategy that shows a profit you will always get a loss at some time. But some time you get a gain and making profit, do not be under estimate about your confidence level, but keep calm and calculate well about the varians risk of forex trading

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